Course Expectations

Mrs. Jolly’s Class Expectations

Basics: Learning any foreign language always requires the acquisition of the following skills:

1.        Reading

2.        Writing

3.        Speaking

4.        Listening

5.        Culture

In keeping with the reading objectives of the course, poems and short readings are included as a point of focus for practice of grammatical structures. Additionally, we will place an emphasis on the mechanics of writing (orthography, accentuation, punctuation, and capitalization).

Class rules:


1.    Talking: While I am trying to explain a concept to a class, or while anyone is giving a class presentation, I will not tolerate talking. It’s rude, disrespectful, and interferes with the main goal of the class.

2.    Do Now: Every day, the moment you enter class, you should be prepared to start learning immediately. As such, for every class, there will be some sort of DO NOW activity to work on immediately when you enter the room.

3.    Cell Phones: ARE NOT ALLOWED IN CLASS.

4.    Being prepared: It is YOUR responsibility to bring your own materials to class.

a.    Paper/notebook

b.    Pen and/or pencil

c.     Text book

d.    Verb Cards or other study aids.

5.    Food, Beverages, etc: No food, coffee, iced coffee, donuts, granola bars, etc. are allowed in class. ONLY bottled water, with a cap, will be allowed in class.

6.    Being ON TASK from bell to bell. This is a new rule that comes directly from administration. Never stand by the door waiting for the bell to ring. You must stay in your seat, working, studying, and learning until the bell rings. 

7.    Respect and tolerance: Please be respectful and kind towards each other. You will be asked to leave class if you cannot respect your peers, your teacher, or other countries’ cultures. We will be learning about the practices and customs of people in other countries and hopefully about our own country as well.

8.    Attendance: I simply cannot teach you if you are not in class. Therefore, I enforce the 5 minute rule. This means you have 5 minutes to go to your requested destination and return to class.  

9.  Grades:      

            Tests and Performance Based Assessments: 50%

            Homework and Class work – 25%

            Participation and Quizzes – 25%

·         Each quarter you must complete a Performance Based Assessment.  

10.   You will need two (2) notebooks for this class.

      - One notebook will be your writing journal. This will stay in the classroom.

      - The other notebook will be for notes and class work.