Student Expectations
The Rogers High School Community has identified and adopted four core Student Learning Expectations that support the accomplishments of the school’s Mission and are aligned with the standards and performance indicators identified in district and school curriculum documents.
These interdisciplinary expectations encompass academic, civic, and social outcomes and identify what a Rogers High School student should know and be able to do.
Students will demonstrate the acquisition of a body of knowledge by:
Integrating and applying acquired skills and knowledge
Applying research skills
Using a variety of technology tools
Implementing academic and career decision-making skills
Students will communicate effectively by:
Writing clearly and concisely
Listening attentively in a variety of settings
Speaking clearly
Reading for understanding
Using other forms of expression
Students will work cooperatively and/or independently to demonstrate the ability to solve problems by:
Defining the problem accurately
Collecting, organizing and analyzing information
Identifying and evaluating appropriate strategies
Selecting, implementing and evaluating a plan of action
Drawing logical, in-depth conclusions
Students will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities necessary to learn, live and work in a culturally diverse and democratic society by:
Contributing to the well-being of the school and community
Taking responsibility for personal and academic choices
Exhibiting integrity and a high level of effort toward goal attainment
Recognizing and respecting the diversity an individuality of others