About Rogers
For Students
Physical & Health Education
Rhode Island State law mandates that all students in public schools be enrolled in a physical and health education program. In addition, the Newport School Department policy requires that each student must receive a total of two credits in physical and health education (one-half credit each year) in order to graduate from Rogers High School.
Health education is a comprehensive program taught to students in grades 9-12. It is designed to teach students the skills necessary to weigh options, to make responsible decisions, and to develop behaviors that promote healthy lifestyles. Students are instructed in the areas of physical, social, mental, and emotional well being with the goal of enabling them to gain the knowledge and skills essential for developing a healthy lifestyle. Students are encouraged to assess their attitudes and behavior patterns and to understand the impact their lifestyle choices have on their communities and on their own well-being.
Physical education strives to promote the health and general welfare of all students. As an integral part of education, physical education has unlimited opportunities to guide the student in gaining appreciation and satisfaction from wholesome activity and working together. All physical education classes are assigned on a co-educational basis and are taught by a co-educational team of instructors.
Sarah Bagley
John Horsman
Andrew Martucci