Rosa, Jessica

Students, Parents, and Guardians:


Welcome to my page.  Basic information can be found here - class expectations, contact information, and helpful resources.


For students who have signed up for URI Writing 104 for Fall 2020, please go to the WRT104 page and start the registration process with URI.  This is a critical step in getting on the roster with URI.  There is a link for an overview video of the process, please review it!  Additionally there is a summer assignment that is REQUIRED for all Seniors and is due, in hand the first week of school.  Please review it.  Feel free to email me with any questions. 


I utilize Google Classroom for my students - they will be granted access when it is deemed necessary for the class. 



Thank you for stopping by!


Remember, if you ever need to speak to me, I am just a quick email away. 


Mrs. Jessica Rosa  

English Teacher
Rogers High School


 "Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them."  William Shakespeare