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Extra Curricular Activities
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Greetings to all of our students and families at Thompson. Hope everyone had a wonderful summer!
The Fall season is upon us which means it is time to get RUNNING!
As we get back into the swing of another school year I wanted to reach out and invite you to join the Warriors Cross Country Team. It is a great way to meet new friends, participate with old friends, get in shape for other sports, compete against other schools and to just get some exercise and have fun!
We encourage all 6th, 7th and 8th graders to join! We have a girls' team and a boys' team. Cross Country is a team sport but also an individual sport, where you compete against other schools but also against yourself.
Come join our running family as we prepare for another fun season!
All practices are held at Braga Park, Monday through Friday, from 3:00-4:00.
The first day of practice is Thursday, September 8th.
The season’s first meet is on September 22 and ends with the State Meet on October 22.
There will be an informational meeting after school on Wednesday, September 7th at 2:45 in the Gym.
Not quite sure if you want to do it? Come to the meeting and learn a little about the sport, then you can decide.
Look forward to seeing you there!
If you’d like more information or have any questions, please email Steve Taylor at steventaylor@npsri.net