Welcome to Thompson Middle School!

Nurse Lisa

Lisa Buterbaugh, RN, CSNT

School Nurse Teacher

Thompson Middle School

(401) 619-7151

Fax (401) 849-3426

Vaccinate Before You Graduate clinics are scheduled throughout the school year. Consent forms are available on online at twc.thewellcomp.com. Call the school nurse for more information (401-619-7151).

The next Flu Shot Clinic at Thompson Middle School will be held Fall 2025 from 3 – 6 PM in the Cafeteria. This Community Clinic is for adults and children ages 3 and up. If you need further assistance with flu vaccines call the school nurse at 401-619-7151.

Parents of All students at Thompson MS: 

All students are expected to be up-to-date with school-required immunizations per the RI Department of Health. Students who are not up-to-date or do not have a signed exemption form in the nurse's office are at risk of being excluded from school until such time that they have received the required immunizations or have documented exemptions. Should there be an outbreak of an illness for which a student is not vaccinated, unvaccinated students may be excluded from school for a length of time to be determined by the RI Dept. of Health according to their public health risk policies. This could result in weeks of not being able to attend school. Please keep track of your child's immunization compliance with school requirements!

Attention 7th and 8th Grade Students: RI Department of Health requires the following:

  • 7th grade students are required to have a physical exam completed the during the 6th grade year or by 6 months after the first day of 7th grade. Please send your physical exam record to the school nurse as soon as possible. This exam includes updated immunizations for Tdap booster, first HPV, and Meningitis.

  • 8th grade students are required to have a second HPV immunization by 6 months after the first day of 8th grade.

Vaccinate Before You Graduate (VBYG) is an adolescent immunization program offered by the RI Department of Health open to all students in grades 5 - 12. Students should visit their doctors every year for immunizations, however all immunizations that students need are also available through VBYG.

VBYG clinics take place during the school day. Parents do not need to be present however a consent form is necessary. There is no out-of-pocket cost for the immunizations.

The next VBYG clinic is scheduled for Thursday December 5th. Consent forms are available online at twc.thewellcomp.com. Call the school nurse for more information (401-619-7151).

The preferred registration method is to register online at www.thewellcomp.com. This may be done at any time; a clinic date does not need to be scheduled to complete the registration form.

You may also obtain a registration form from the school nurse. Parent signature is required for each vaccine requested.  Return the form to the school nurse at any time. VBYG clinics are scheduled based on need. If there are no upcoming clinics posted above notify the school nurse that you are interested in this program so one can be scheduled for you.

Available immunizations include: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV) for males and females, Influenza, Covid, Meningitis, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR), Polio, Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap), and Varicella (Chickenpox). 

Vision Screening for 5th and 7th grade students

  • Vision screening will be scheduled at the start of the school year.

Dental Screening for 5th Grade Students 

  • Dental screening will be scheduled at the start of the school year.

Scoliosis Screening for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students

  • Please send in physical exam forms when your children have their annual exams and include a scoliosis screening. Students who have already been screened by their physician will not be screened again by the school nurse.