Helpful Resources

Pearson Textbook Website

This is the online version of the textbook used in class.  Students need to enter their section number, the class access code (listed below), and then set up an individual account.  Once logged on, students can access the textbook and other resources used in class.  Please contact me with any questions.


Section 4 Access Code AFB6289DDA6063271B6E

Section 3 Access Code 7E7E014E942049B0AC27

Section 2 Access Code 512ABA7BEA0DD37D554A

Section 1 Access Code 5442949C180C670C36BA

  • Reflex Math

    An online resource for practicing basic math facts.  Please contact me with any username/password questions.

  • IXL

    An online resource for practicing math skills.  Students have individual usernames and passwords.  Please contact me if you need your username or password information.