Helpful Resources

Class Textbook - Sadlier

I am working on setting up the online resoureces for my class.

Once students have an account they can use his link to get the proper login site.  They must use the school specific Sadlier website.


This is a site that has various skills that are associated with the material we cover.

Every student will be a username and password this year.  They can use it to keep track of any and all the practice they may do this year.

Even if you don't have an acount, students can go to the site to practice skills they have been struggling with.  I believe you can go on it for 20 to 30 minutes, or there may be a question limit.  Without logging in  the site won't keep track of your progress though.

Google Classroom

Where my homework can be found.  I also post announcements for upcoming quizzes and tests.

The students have all been invited to join their respective classrooms.  They use their username and login information that they use for the schools computers.