Nicolle Icart's Grading policy

Art rm 301 with Ms.Icart

Students are graded based on their effort at using the following 10 points each class:

5 points= standards

Create-I am able to create art through signs, symbols, media and prior knowledge.

Perform Present and Produce-I am able to make the imagined possible by the use of tools , techniques ,  information and my understanding of  the elements and principles of design.

Responding -I am able to respond to my art and other works by describing, analyzing, interpreting ,and judgeing what I see.

Connecting - I am able to make cultural, as well as historical, connections and understand how the lesson relates to me and the world around me.

Formative Assesments-I am able to complete and participate in the formative assessment given in class time.

5 points= POWER

P-raise your hand

O-stay seated

W-use class time to better your skills at being creative/ work with your mistakes

E-quiet during instruction

R-be mindful and aware of others

  • Nicolle Icart's art