A to Z of 2nd Grade

2nd Grade Logistics A to Z…


A is for Arrival

School begins at 8:30am. You may drop your child off at 8:15 each day. I will pick them up either outside on the upper school play ground or inside the gymnasium on cold and rainy days.

B is for Birthdays

 birthday is your child’s special day! Birthdays may be celebrated however, sweet items baked at home will not be allowed at school. 

C is for Concerns

If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please e-mail me at: donnakelly@npsri.net or send in a written note. I will return your message as soon as possible. I could also make myself available after school to meet with you.

D is for Dismissal

Dismissal is at 3:00pm. It is important that all of your children’s belongings are labeled to ensure a smooth pack-up at the end of the day. It is important your child says “goodbye” to me and that the parent and teacher see one another. This ensures a safe departure. If there is a change in your routine, please send a note to school in your child's blue home/school folder..

E is for Emergency Contact

It is extremely important for the school to have all the correct information for your child.  If an emergency should occur, the teacher/office/school nurse will have the correct emergency contact and phone numbers.  Please fill out the school forms that will be sent home the first week of school.

F is for Field Trips

We take a few educational field trips during the year. A permission slip will be required anytime that we take a bus or walk for a field trip. If we do not receive a signed permission slip, your child will not be allowed to go with the class.

G is for Good Behavior

It is an exciting time in your child’s life to go to school.  Your child is expected to exhibit the very best behavior they can.  I am confident this will be an easy task for all. Please see our School Pledge and our adopted PBIS behavior program.

H is for Homework

Homework will be sent home after school begins.  Please be aware of what paperwork is sent home in your child’s  blue home/school folder to help support their learning throughout the year. Playing outside in nature and reading every night is a wonderful way to bond with your child!

I is for Illness

Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature or has vomited.  If your child becomes ill at school and presents a fever, you will be called to come and get your child.  We need at least two working phone numbers at all times in order to contact you in case of illness or emergency.

J is for Journal Writing

Everyday we write and draw in our journals. Journal writing is a simple process that begins with self-esteem and routine. You will see amazing growth in your child’s writing throughout the year.  By the end of the school year, your son or daughter will be producing many different types of writing for many purposes.

K is for Kindness

Being kind in everyway is embedded into our daily practice.

 L is for Lunch

The children go to recess/lunch at 11:35am. Students can purchase a lunch at school or they may bring a home lunch. I recommend you practice with your child, opening their school lunch bags and send in items that are easy for them to open.

 M is for Manners

“Please and thank you” are important words to learn. Your child will be the best person they can be each day! We also follow a “STAR” behavioral program throughout the school to promote good choices and wonderful manners!

N is for Classroom Needs

In order to promote a healthy classroom environment the following items would be greatly appreciated: hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial cleaning wipes, Kleenex, baby wipes.

O is for Outdoors

Your child will have outdoor time every day, weather permitting. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather.  If the weather is below freezing, you child will remain indoors for a special activity.

P is for Parent Involvement

We love Parent Involvement!  Please be involved in your child’s year as much as possible! Parent involvement starts by asking your child how their day was, emptying their backpack, getting a good night’s sleep, and attending school functions & parent/teacher conferences. All families are encouraged to join the school’s PTO- Parent Teacher Organization.

Q is for Question

We encourage you to ask questions whenever they may arise.  (See C for contact information). Please ask your child questions each night and encourage them to ask you questions. Vocabulary and language building are of high importance in elementary school.

R is for Rules

Star Rules are followed at all times in the classroom, at recess, during specials and in the cafeteria.

Star students Stay Safe

Star Students Take Responsibility

Star Students Act Respectfully

Star Students are Ready to Learn

S is for Snack and Star

Snack time is part of our daily schedule and is usually followed with literacy centers & reading. Please make sure your child has a snack each day.

Every student is a star in our school and we work to earn star bucks so we can go shopping at the classroom school store.

T is for Take-Home Folders

A blue take home folder will be provided to your child. I check the folder every morning upon arrival. This folder will go between home and school and serve as a carrier for notes from me or the school. I will also send home their hard work in this folder. You may also send notes into school in this folder. Please check folder and empty every day.

U is for Units of Study

The 2nd grade curriculum can be found on the Newport Public Schools website: newportrischools.org.

V is for Volunteers

We always welcome volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at our school, please contact me.  A volunteer form will also be sent home during the first few weeks of school. All volunteers must complete a BCI background check.

W is for Weekly Specials

Your child will participate in the arts, library and physical education.  On the days your child has physical education it is important your child wears comfortable clothing and sneakers.

Monday- Library

Tuesday- Physical Education

Wednesday- Physical Education

Thursday- Music

Friday- Art


X is for eXtra Clothes

Please send in an extra set of clothes (seasonal) in a small baggie in your child’s backpack.


Y is for You!

You… are the most important person in your child’s life.


Z is for ZZZZZ’s

Your child should get plenty of rest and have a good night sleep each night.