What is PBIS?
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) is a systems approach to enhancing the capacity of schools to support and educate ALL STUDENTS. It is a proactive approach to school-wide discipline that is based on three levels of prevention/intervention to address the needs of all students. PBIS is not a curriculum, intervention, or practice, but rather a framework or approach for assisting school personnel in adopting and organizing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that enhances academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.
PBIS emphasizes four integrated elements:
Data for decision-making
Measurable outcomes supported and evaluated by data
Practices with evidence that these outcomes are achievable
Systems that efficiently and effectively support implementation of these practices
Six Principles that guide the four elements of PBIS:
Develop a continuum of scientifically based behavior and academic interventions and supports
Use data to make decisions and solve problems
Arrange the environment to prevent the development and occurrence of problem behavior
Teach and encourage prosocial skills and behaviors
Implement evidence-based behavioral practices with fidelity and accountability
Screen universally and monitor student performance & progress continuously
Pell PBIS Team Mission Statement
The mission of the Pell PBIS team is to foster and promote a safe and positive school environment that enhances student learning through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
We are the Pell STARS!

S-Stay Safe
T-Take Responsibility
A-Act Respectfully
R-Ready to Learn
STAR Behavior Expectations
There are STAR Behavior Expectations within the classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, playground, and during arrival and dismissal. Posters with these specific expectations will be visible throughout the school environment.

How Students will be Acknowledged for STAR Behavior!
Starbucks are individually earned and can be handed out by anyone in the building to students that are displaying "Star Behavior". Teachers will be given Starbucks each day to hand out to students in their class. Each week students will be able to purchase rewards and/or certificates using their Starbucks.
All-Star Bucks
These are classroom earned and can be handed out by any teacher to reward the ENTIRE class for displaying "Star Behavior". The classroom teacher can set a goal with student input to determine what the class will earn for a pre-determined number of All-Star Bucks.
All-Star CelebrationsThe celebrations will be held quarterly and broken into two groups (K-2nd and 3rd & 4th). Those students who have earned enough Starbucks will be allowed to attend the celebration.