How do I enroll my child in Newport Public Schools?

  • follow this link

  • call Jamie Meeks, registrar (401) 619-5562

  • email Jamie Meeks at

What time does School start and end each day?

  • school officially starts at 8:30 all students are expected to arrive and enter the building at that time

  • School officially ends at 3:00PM but dismissal begins at 2:48

What is I need to pick up my child before the end of the school day?

  • If it is a planned appointment please send in a note with your child with the time of dismissal.

  • Please email Karoline Cranson at with any questions or concerns about dismissal or you can call the school at (401) 842-1928

  • If an emergency occurs and you need to pick up your child unexpectedly please call Karoline Cranson at (401)842-1928 before 2PM.

  • changes in dismissal will not be honored after 2PM.

What if my child is sick/if I need to report an absence?

  • Please call the attendance line at (401)842-1928 and leave a message

How do we know if school has been canceled or delayed?

  • Sign up to RIbroadcasters for alerts sent to your cell phone for school closures and delays

  • The school will also send out a robocall to the primary number on file

What if there is an early release from school?

  • The school will notify parents in advance and students will be dismissed in their normal dismissal method.

Is there before and after-school care at Pell?

  • Champion Childcare provides on-site childcare before and after school for interested Pell families.

  • AM childcare begins at 6:30 AM and PM care is offered until 6 PM.

  • Please contact Christine Arouth for information on before and after care at