After School and other School Age Programs
Out of School Time and Expanded Learning Opportunities
21st Century Community Learning Center Initiative
Rhode Island’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers Initiative (RI 21st CCLC) is a federally funded program to develop and sustain high quality after school and summer programs that provide students with academic support and enrichment and school engagement opportunities designed to complement their regular academic program.
Program Information
NFCOZ 21st CCLC programs provide a broad array of opportunities for students and their families. Activities are provided four days per week for 28 weeks of the school year, during school vacation camps, and during the 6 week Summer Learning Academy. Programs are facilitated by Newport Public Schools teachers and paraprofessional staff, NFCOZ program staff, local university students, AmeriCorps members, and local community partners.
Programs include offerings such as:
Academic Supports: homework assistance, math clubs, literacy activities, STEM Learning (science, technology, engineering, math) and more;
Arts: dance, theatre, music, art, etc.;
Physical Activity: daily SPARK activities, martial arts, soccer, Hip Hop dance, cheerleading, basketball, etc.;
Youth Development: leadership development, social /emotional skills, mediation skills, community service, etc.;
Health Promotion: nutrition education, healthy cooking, good decision-making, physical activity, etc.;
Family Engagement: family events, family field trips, etc.
System of Support, Accountability and Improvement
The NFCOZ 21st CCLC sites align their programs to meet the Rhode Island After School Quality Standards and Indicators
All sites participate in the Rhode Island Program Quality Assessment (RIPQA) process, a continuous quality improvement process, including nationally validated assessment tools, observations, action planning, and technical assistance;
All site coordinators, program assistants, and program staff participate in professional development and training opportunities;
We participate in a national data collection and analysis system to track such things as attendance, grades, homework completion, classroom behavior, state assessment scores, etc.
Funding Sources - The 21st CCLC Programs offered by the Newport Family & Child Opportunity Zone are funded by:
The Rhode Island Department of Education through federal funds - core funding
Newport Public Schools - provide technical assistance, in-kind support, support transportation costs and help support the Summer Learning Academy.
Reading Reaps Rewards (R3) - through the Newport Partnership for Families
United Way of Rhode Island - Summer Learning Initaitive
Governor's Learn 365 Initiative
Contact Information:
Erin Hallene: OST Manager, 401-842-1925 x 7,
Shaday Viruet: CLC Site Coordinator, 401-842-1925 x7,