Family Service Coordinators

Family Services Coordinators provide support to families.  Their work focuses on improving student attendance, assisting parents to be educational partners, connecting families with community resources, breaking down barriers to student success and supporting families to access support and services.

Newport Cares Program, funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act supports homeless students in Newport.  This federal legislation ensures that all children and youth experiencing homelessness have the opportunity to enroll in, attend, and succeed in school.  McKinney-Vento legislation requires school districts to ensure access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education as is provided to other children and youth for students experiencing homelessness and to support them once enrolled. This includes choice of schools, comparable services, the right to attend school, and the right to not be segregated. Through the Newport Cares Program, Family Service Coordinators provide support to homeless students to ensure that they receive necessary supports to keep  them in school.  Activities focus on securing food and clothing, assisting with personal hygiene, mental health supports, goal setting, obtaining literacy support, communicating with teachers, obtaining school supplies, assisting students with after school programs, and administrative duties.

Taylor Ardito, Family Services Manager,, 401-842-1925 x3

Mark McKenna, Family Service Coordinator,, 401-842-1925 x4