Title 1 is the largest federal education program in the country. The "Improving America's Schools Act" was signed into law in 1994, and Title 1 (formerly Chapter 1) was reauthorized and became effective in July 1995. Title 1 School-wide Program schools receive additional funds from the federal government to enhance the educational program of the entire school. The overall goal of Title 1 is highest student achievement for all students. Therefore, the funding is used to hire additional teachers, teaching partners or other staff members. The funds can be used to purchase instructional materials that will benefit students in their classrooms. All decisions are made carefully and recorded in the Title 1 School-wide Plan. Parents are part of the Title 1 Team and encouraged to participate in their child's education. Parent involvement increases student achievement. Teachers, parents and students will share the responsibility for student learning. Parents need to work with their child at home, attend parent/teacher conferences and keep teachers informed about home events that might affect their child at school. Joining parent organizations (PTA and SAC), helping at school as a volunteer, and attending school events and parent trainings are important. Parent participation will build the home and school partnership that is so essential for successful schools.