What circumstances made these projects possible?
The State of Rhode Island initiated a School Building evaluation in 2017 to determine School Building needs in RI. The end result was every district had identified needs resulting in a State of RI School Construction Program to transform and replace inadequate public school buildings throughout the state. The program offered cities and towns significant reimbursement for projects that meet qualifying criteria. Newport had two schools of need, Rogers High School was determined the school building “most in need of replacement” in the entire state. Pell School was deemed in excellent shape but “in need of additional space” so Newport applied for the increased state funding, was approved and put before the voters and found overwhelming support at 78% for 52.5% state reimbursement of a $106M School Bond.
RIDE - State of RI Schoolhouses Reports and Data
Why does Newport need a new Rogers High School?
The current Rogers design is sprawling and the heating system does not provide heat throughout the building even after a new boiler 12 years ago. Also there is no air conditioning for summer school or summer career training programs.
The current Rogers design has 77 doors making safety a huge issue in the 21st century.
The current Rogers design has an extensive roof system and although much was replaced 10 years ago there are still many leaks in classrooms and hallways.
Classrooms do not support 21st century electrical and networking needs for teaching and learning.
The facility is not energy efficient!
Rogers was opened in 1957. The 2017 RIDE Facility Report determined the cost of repair for Rogers was higher that the cost to replace it.
The Newport Area Career Technical Center (NACTC) is a separate building from the High School making it less efficient, less effective and hands-on career training not integrated into the academic learning environment.