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Win Connelly
Building Engagement Facilitator
William S. Rogers High School
Emily Frazier
Special Education Para
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
Denise Porter
Special Education Para
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
Elizabeth Cullen
School Committee Member
Cory Hampton
Special Education Para
William S. Rogers High School
Gabrielle Lytle
Special Education Para
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Summer Rogers
Special Education Para
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Isabella Sanderson
Special Education Para
William S. Rogers High School
Jacob Robinson
Newport Area Career & Technical Center
Kerri Greene
Special Education Para
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
Benjamin Steele
Special Education Para
William S. Rogers High School
Tracey McNeal
Special Education Para
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Edward Garofalo
Special Education Para
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Zachary Rock
Special Education Para
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Joshua Kroll
Physical Education/ Health Teacher
Frank E. Thompson Middle School
Aaron Sherman
Kindergarten Teacher
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
Abigail Dunn
Special Education Para Educator
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
(401) 842-1900
Abigail Frazier
Special Education Teacher
Claiborne Pell Elementary School
(401) 842-1900
Aida M LeVasseur
Secretary to the Principal
William S. Rogers High School
401-847-6235 x7645
Alaina C Lavallee
Special Educator
Claiborne Pell Elementary School